
What is meant by freedom? Is there a relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation?

Freedom is absence of constraints. Freedom is said to exist when external constraints on the individual are absent. In terms of this definition an individual could be considered free if he/she is not subject to external controls or coercion and is able to make independent decisions and act in an autonomous way

There is a close relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation. Some people say that freedom is said to exist when external constrainsts on the individual are absent. Absence of constraints is only one dimension of freedom. Freedom is also about expanding the ability of people to freely express themselves and develop their potential. If a nation is a free every individual of it will be free. Freedom in this sense is the condition in which people can develop their creativity and capabilities. Greatness, power, development of a nation depends on cooperation, creativity and capabilities of individuals of a nation.

Both aspects of freedom—the absence of external constraints (imposed by a nation or a society or state) as well as the existence of conditions in which people can develop their talents – are important. A free society would be one which enables all its members to develop their potential with the minimum of social constraints.

No individual living in society can hope to enjoy total absence of any kind of constraints or restrictions. It becomes necessary them to determine which social constraints are justified and which are not, which are acceptable and which should be removed.

To understand which social constraints are necessary, discussions on freedom need to look at the core relationship between the individual and the nation (e.g. Society or group or community or entire state) within which she/he is placed. This is, we require to examine the relationship between individual and society or nation.



What is meant by social constraints? Are constraints of any kind necessary for enjoying freedom?

What is the Role of the state in upholding freedom of its citizens?

What is the difference between the negative and positive conception of liberty?

What is meant by freedom of expression? What in your view would be a reasonable restriction on this freedom? Give examples
