
What is meant by light and dark adaptation? How do they take place?

Light adaptation refers to the process of adjusting to bright light after exposure to dim light. This process takes nearly a minute or two. On the other hand, dark adaptation refers to the process of adjusting to a dimly illuminated environment after exposure to bright light. This may take half an hour or even longer depending on the previous level of exposure of the eye to light.

Light and dark adaptations occur due to certain photochemical processes. The rods have a photo-sensitive chemical substance, called rhodopsin or visual purple. By the action of light the molecules of this chemical substance get bleached or broken down. Under such conditions the light adaptation takes place in the eyes. On the other hand, the dark adaptation is achieved by the removal of light and thereby allowing for restorative processes to generate the pigment in the rods with the help of vitamin A. The regeneration of rhodopsin in rods is a time consuming process. That is why dark adaptation is a slower process than light adaptation.

It has been found that people who suffer from vitamin-A deficiency do not achieve dark adaptation at all, and find it really difficult to move in the dark. This condition is generally known as night blindness.



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