
Define the following words/terms Marriage, Affinal relation, Exogamy, Endogamy, Hypogamy, Taboo, Consanguineous relations.

Marriage: H.M. Johnson has defined marriage as a stable relationship in which a man and a women are socially permitted, without loss of standing in community, to have children.

Affinal Relation: Relationship by marriage like husband and wife.

Exogamy: Marriage outside a defined group e.g. gotra, village.

Endogamy : Marriage within a defened group. e.g. kinship, caste.

Hypogamy: Marriage of daughter to a man of lower caste class.

Hypergamy : Marriage of daughter with a man of higher class or caste.

Taboo : Prohibited conduct or behaviours.

Consanguineous Relation: Relationship blood like brother and sister.


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