
Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant is called

  • xenogamy

  • geitonogamy

  • karyogamy

  • karyogamy



Geitonogamy (Greek geiton = neighbour and gameiu = to marry) involves the transfer of pollen grains from a male flower to the stigma of another female flower origination on the same plant. Thus, geitonogamy operates only in monoecious plants i.e plants having male and female flowers on different places but on the same plant, e.g maize (zea mays). In animal pollinated system, thisis accomplished by pollinator visiting multiple flowers on the same plant. It is also possible within species that are wind pollinated.



Cotyledons and testa are edible parts of 

  • groundnut and pomegranate

  • walnut and tamarind

  • french bean and coconut

  • french bean and coconut

Wind pollinated flowers are

  • small, brightly coloured, producing large number of pollen grains

  • small, producing large number of dry pollen grains

  • large, producing abundant nectar and pollen

  • large, producing abundant nectar and pollen

An example of a seed with endosperm, perisperm and caruncle is 

  • Cotton

  • coffee

  • lily

  • lily

Synapsis occurs between 

  • a male and female gamete

  • mRNA and ribosomes

  • spindle fibres and centromere

  • spindle fibres and centromere

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