
Which two distinct worlds of the bangle-makers does the authoress see?
What two distinct worlds do poor children like Saheb and Mukesh have to fall in their childhood.

The writer finds two distinct worlds in Firozabad. The fist one belongs to the family of bangle-makers. They are caught in the web of poverty with a stigma of caste they are born in. The other is a vicious circle of the ‘Sahukars,’ the middlemen, the policemen, the politicians and the keepers of the law. They ensure that the exploitation of the bangle makers go unbatted. So they never allow them to organise a cooperative.

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“The elderly woman has still bangles in her wrists, but no light in her eyes’. Why?

Why don’t the younger ones of the bangle-makers do anything else?

What does the title ‘Lost Spring’ convey?

Why does the author say that the bangle makers are caught in a vicious web?

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