
“And survival in Seemapuri means ragpicking.” In the light of the remark describe the life of the people living in this colony.


Describe the life of squatters at Seemapuri.

A squatter occupies the public land without the government licence. The squatters have migrated from Bangaladesh to Seemapuri in East Delhi. they have settled there are setup their transit camps in a wilderness on the periphery of Delhi. The structures are made of wood with roofs of tin and tarpaulin.

The squatters are devoid of basic facilities like water, drainage and sewerage. They have ration cards to buy grains and for voting purposes. They look for gold by picking rags and there dwell more than 10,000 children. They move in the streets barefoot. Sometimes they find a coin but continue scrounging garbage in hope of find more. For the elders the garbage is gold. It is a means of survival for their children and is wrapped in wonder. They are abused but, can practise any criminal activity.



Elucidate the statement : “Food is more important for survival than an identity”.

Why do children walk barefoot, in cities, or on village roads? Is it a tradition or something else? What does the authoress Anees Jung state about it in her story “Lost Spring-Stories of Stolen Childhood?
What does the authoress Anees Jung mean by saying that young boys like the son of the priest now wear shoes, but many others like the ragpickers in her neighbourhood remain shoeless?

What change did Anees Jungsee in Saheb when he saw him standing by the gate of the neighbourhood club?

Mention some of the possible reasons for the migration of people from the villages towards the cities.

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