
On an outline map of India show the major bhakti saints and the regions associated with them.





Mention the two earliest Bhakti Movements of Tamil Nadu, giving the main difference between them.

Mention two features of the protest movement started by Nayanars and Alvars.

A Church in Khambat

This is an excerpt from a farman (imperial order) issued by Akbar in 1598:

Whereas it reached our eminent and holy notice that the Padris (fathers) of the Holy Society of Jesus wish to build a house of prayer (church) in the city of Kambayat (Khambat, in Gujarat); therefore an exalted mandate... is being issued ,... that the dignitaries of the city of Kambayat should in no case stand in their way but should allow them to build a church so that they may engage themselves in their own worship. It is necessary that the order of the Emperor should be obeyed in every way. (CBSE Delhi 2008) Questions:

1.    What did the Padris want to do?

2.    How did Akbar ensure that their desire was fulfilled?

3.    Who guided the Muslim rulers?

4.    How was the situation complicated in the subcontinent and how did the rulers adapt to this situation?

India became a part of Islamic world? How rulers who had faith in Islam, maintained balance with their subjects? 

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