
Why do children walk barefoot, in cities, or on village roads? Is it a tradition or something else? What does the authoress Anees Jung state about it in her story “Lost Spring-Stories of Stolen Childhood?
What does the authoress Anees Jung mean by saying that young boys like the son of the priest now wear shoes, but many others like the ragpickers in her neighbourhood remain shoeless?

The authoress, Anees Jung has been encountering the army of barefoot rag-picker children for many months. She asks one why he is not wearing chappals. Another adds if he gets, he will throw them off. A third boy says that he wants shoes, he has never owned a pair all his life. The authoress Anees Jung recollects a story of a man from Udipi as he told her. As a young school boy, every morning on his way to school he would briefly stop at the temple and pray the goddess for a pair of shoes. When he had finally got a pair of shoes, he prayed, “let me never lose them.” The goddess had granted his prayer.

When Saheb wears pair of discarded tennis shoes due to a hole in one of them, it does not bother him. For one who has walked barefoot even shoes with a hole is a dream comes true. The reality of life on this earth is that there are millions of innocent children who lose the spring (youth) of their lives under the threat of grinding poverty which exploit them under the demand of nature for satisfying their hunger for their survival. It is not due to lack of money but a tradition to stay barefoot, is one explanation. This is only an excuse for the continuing state of poverty which is the cause of the children staying barefoot in cities or on village roads.

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Mention some of the possible reasons for the migration of people from the villages towards the cities.

What change did Anees Jungsee in Saheb when he saw him standing by the gate of the neighbourhood club?

“And survival in Seemapuri means ragpicking.” In the light of the remark describe the life of the people living in this colony.


Describe the life of squatters at Seemapuri.

Elucidate the statement : “Food is more important for survival than an identity”.

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