
Mention some of the possible reasons for the migration of people from the villages towards the cities.

There was a time when the villagers were self-sufficient by having their interdependence on one or the other. They had the least desire of fleeing towards the cities.

With the rapid speed of changing time, modernity, commercialisation and so on, the villagers started migrating to cities in search of job, education, knowledge, better civic facilities and the glamorous life. The village-craft has lost its meaning so they have become unemployed. In order to fill up their belly, they have started moving towards the cities.

They flee to these places wherever they can get work. In addition to this, certain natural calamities like drought, flood, earthquake, and cyclone, etc. force them to move to the safer places since the cities are more protected than villages. The rag- pickers of Seemapuri is a current example of this type. In the villages, there are insufficient facilities of education, accommodation, profession and other requisite of life. One can find unhealthy and dingy atmosphere there in the village. To avoid any kind of trouble, people migrate to the cities. Very often the policies of government turn the barren land into fertile one. So the people run there for earning their livings.

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Why do children walk barefoot, in cities, or on village roads? Is it a tradition or something else? What does the authoress Anees Jung state about it in her story “Lost Spring-Stories of Stolen Childhood?
What does the authoress Anees Jung mean by saying that young boys like the son of the priest now wear shoes, but many others like the ragpickers in her neighbourhood remain shoeless?

What change did Anees Jungsee in Saheb when he saw him standing by the gate of the neighbourhood club?

Elucidate the statement : “Food is more important for survival than an identity”.

“And survival in Seemapuri means ragpicking.” In the light of the remark describe the life of the people living in this colony.


Describe the life of squatters at Seemapuri.

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