
Differentiate between human development and economic development.

Human Development

Economic Development

(i)Human development means the well-being of people in its broad perspective e.g., economic, social and cultural.

(i)Concept of economic development exclusively focus on the increase in income.

(ii)Human development involves in raising the level of human well-being.

(ii)Economic growth and productivity can be assessed with the help of G.N.P. and per capita income.

(iii)Human development cannot be achieved with economic growth.

(iii)Economic development depends upon the development of technology and education.

(iv)The development must be woven around people not people around development.

(iv)Economic growth can be achieved through the human skill and knowledge by utilising the natural resources.

(v)People must have the opportunity to invest in improving their health, education and training.

(v)Economic growth is essential for human well being.



Explain the views expressed by the Neo-Malthusians, environmentalists and radical ecologists with regard to development.

Describe the features of literacy in India.

Discuss the Human Development Report 1993 of UNDP.

How for India development is a mixed bag of opportunities as well as neglect and deprivations? Explain. 

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