
Arshad has five measurements of a quadrilateral ABCD. These are AB = 5 cm, ∠A = 50°, AC = 4 cm, BD = 5 cm and AD = 6 cm. Can he construct a unique quadrilateral? Give reasons for your answer.

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Can you draw a parallelogram BATS where BA = 5 cm, AT = 6 cm and AS = 6.5 cm? Why?

We saw that 5 measurements of a quadrilateral can determine a quadrilateral uniquely. Do you think any five measurements of the quadrilateral can do this?

Can you draw a rhombus ZEAL where ZE = 3.5 cm, diagonal EL = 5 cm? Why?

A student attempted to draw a quadrilateral PLAY where PL = 3 cm, LA = 4 cm, AY = 4.5 cm, PY = 2 cm and LY = 6 cm, hut could not draw it. What is the reason?

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