
Why do you think there are so few cases of private water supply in the world?

Whenever the responsibility of water supply is handed over to private companies, there is a steep rise in the price of water, making it unaffordable for many. Cities see huge protests and riots break out, forcing the government to take back the service from private hands.

That is why there are so few cases of private water supply in the world.



Do you think the distribution of public facilities in our country is adequate and fair? Give an example of your own to explain.

Do you think water in Chennai is available and affordable by all? Discuss.

How is the sale of water by farmers to water dealers in Chennai affecting the local people? Do you think local people can object to such exploitation of ground water? Can the government do anything in this regard?

Why are most of the private hospitals and private schools located in major cities and not in towns or rural areas?

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