
Mahatma Gandhi condemned the Pentangular tournament.

The teams that played colonial India’s greatest first class cricket tournament were represented by different religious communities. The Pentangular tournament was played by five teams — the Europeans, the Parsis, the Hindus, the Muslims and the Rest (the rest comprise all the communities left over such as Christians).

Mahatma Gandhi condemned the Pentangular tournament as a communally divisive connection because it was played on communal basis. This concept was with the tune of the time when nationalists were trying to unite India.


Explain why cricket became popular in India and West Indies. Can you give reasons why it did not become popular in the countries of South America?

Test cricket is a unique game in many ways. Discuss some of the ways in which it is different from other team games. How are the peculiarities of the test cricket shaped by its historical beginnings as a village game?

Describe one way in which the nineteenth-century technology brought about a change in equipment and give an example where no change in equipment took place.

The Parsis were the first Indian community to set up a cricket club in India.

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