Long Answer Type


Compare the features of LIC and National Saving Certificate (NSC).

S.No  Features LIC NSC
(i) Time period May mature after death/longer period of investment. Mature after 5 years and 10 years.Its shorter period of Investment
(ii) Maximum Limit Investment limit according to the sum insured. No limit of investment
(iii) Minimum limit According to Policy Rs. 100
(iv) Loan Available Available
(v) Tax rebate Available Available
(vi) Premature Withdrawal Not available Not available
(vii) Interest Taxable or Tax-free rate of Interest w.e.f Apri,2014 Low rate Higher rate of Interest
(viii) When to Invest Investment payment to be done periodically. Every year/quarterly. Investment to be done once in a lump sum in the beginning.


Short Answer Type

Mr. Sharma wants to file a case in a consumer court against a company for selling faulty products.Guide him on all the aspects of filling the complaint.


Long Answer Type

Labels on products and internet both are important consumer aids. List three advantages and two drawbacks each of using both.


Neha has some grease and coffee stains on her cotton dress. Suggest her one suitable chemical each which will help her to remove the stains. Also, tell her important precautions she should take while removing these stains. Name one more stain each for which these two chemicals can be used.


You have designed a skirt top with the scarf for an adolescent girl. What two features would you consider while selecting its fabric? Suggest four ways each you can ensure emphasis and satisfactory the workmanship in this dress.

