Long Answer Type


What is movement speed ? Explain the methods to develop speed endurance.

Movement speed is the time taken between the initiation of movement and the completion of the movement. It depends upon techniques, explosive strength, flexibility and coordinative abilities. It plays a vital role in boxing, gymnastics, swimming; throws and jumps etc. Where the minimum time is taken to complete the movement. To develop the speed endurance we will have to work more on pace races because pace races means running the whole distance at a constant speed.Generally, 800 meters and above races are included in pace races. As a matter of fact, an athlete’s can run a distance of 300 meters at full speed but, in longer races such as 800 meters or above races he must conserve his energy by reducing his speed. For example, if there is a runner of 800 meter race his best time is 1 minute 40 second, so, he should run first 400 m in 49 seconds and next 400m in 51 seconds. 



What are the important functions of our skeletal system ?


Explain Sheldon’s classification of personality and explain its importance in physical education and sport.


Diet for sportspersons are important. What should be the aims of preparing diet for sportsperson ? 


Involvement in physical activities for longer period of time with moderate intensity can improve the quality of life. Justify your answer.



Value Based Questions

Neeti along with her father was regular at district park in early morning. She realized that most of the children are obese. She along with her few classmates wanted to help those children. She discussed with her physical education teacher and the Principal of the school. School decided to organize awareness rally for the neighbourhood. 

How obesity can be prevented ? Give two ways.

Give any two disadvantages of obesity.

What values are shown by Neeti and her classmates ?