Long Answer Type


How has globalisation impacted on India and how is India in turn impacting on globalisation? Support your answer with suitable arguments.


Examine the concept of “Common but differentiated responsibilities” with the help of examples.

The impacts of globalisation on India:

(i) India has opened up its markets, from being a protective economy, it has now opened upto foreign investment.

(ii) This has led to cultural homegesition, making culture more different and distinctive.

(iii) This has led to deregulation of many commodities like oil.

India's impact to globalisation:

(i) India and other developing countries e.g. BRICS have put forward a collective voice in international forums like WTO.

(ii) India is one of the fastest growing economy along with China and therefore, an attractive market for investment also.

(iii) With its large English-speaking population, there has been a lot of outsourcing to India in form of call centres.


There was a difference in approach to environment between the countries of the North and the South.

(i)The countries of the North want to discuss the environmental issue as it stands now and want everyone to be equally responsible for ecological conservation. The developing countries of the South feel that much of the ecological degradation of the world is the product of industrial development undertaken by the developed world.

(ii)The special needs of the developing countries must be taken into account in the development, application and interpretation of rules of international Environment Law. This argument was accepted in the Rio declaration of 1992 and is called the principle of ‘Common but differentiated responsibilities’.

(iii)China, India and other developing countries were exempted from the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol. This is an international agreement setting targets for industrialized countries to cut the green house gas emissions. The protocol was agreed to in 1997 in Kyoto in Japan, based on principals set out in UNFCC.



What is meant by non-party movements? Describe the main features of such movements.


Describe the development of Assam Movement from 1979 onwards. State the main provision of the agreement made with Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1985.

Assess the importance of international organisations like the United Nations in the contemporary world.


Suggest the type of security India should prefer to fight the threats like poverty, terrorism and epidemics.

Explain any three factors responsible for the dramatic victory of Indira Gandhi in the elections of 1971.


Explain any three reasons for the defeat of Congress Party in the 1977 elections. Reasons for the defeat of the Congress Party in 1977.


Describe any three features of the Soviet system.


What circumstance compelled the super-powers to have military alliances with smaller countries? Describe.



“It is very important for India to improve its relations with the U.S.”. Do you agree with this statement? Support your answer with suitable arguments.


Evaluate the role and limitations of SAARC as a forum for facilitating economic cooperation among Asian Countries.

Short Answer Type

In the outline political map of India, five States have been marked as A, B, C, D and E. Identify them With the help of the information given below, and write their correct names in your answer book along with the serial number of the information used and the related alphabet in the map.

(i) The 29th State of India, Telangana.

(ii) The State where Nagpur Session of the Congress Party was held in

(iii) The State to which used to be called the madras State earlier.

(iv) The State to which the Communist leader E.M.S. Namboodiripad belonged.

(v) The home State of Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, the first Health Minister of free India.