
Explain the following :

(a) Insulin lowers the blood sugar level.

(b) Hypothalamus and pituitary function as an integrated and coordinated system.

(c)Body growth is greatly accelerated at puberty in the male.

(d) Adrenal medulla and the sympathetic nervous system function as a closely integrated system.

(e) Pituitary gland regulates the reproductive system.


(a) Insulin is reponsible for lowering the blood sugar level by converting excess of glucose to gylcogen which is stored in muscles and liver. 

(b) The hormones released by the hypothalamus controls all the secretions of hormones of pituitary gland. The hypothalamus hormones regulate the secretion and production of the pituitart hormones.  Pituitary gland regulates the activities of other glands. Thus, pituitary gland and hypothalamus function as an integrated and coordinated system.

(c) At puberty there is an increase in the testosterone secretion by Leydig’s cells. The testosterone hormone plays a major role in body growthand accelerates body growth during puberty.  

(d) Adrenal medulla and the sympathetic nervous system are closely integrated systems as the emergency hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline are secreted during danger when nerve impulse reaches adrenal medulla via sympathetic nerves.

(e) Gonadotrophic hormone secreted by pituitary gland controls the male and the female gonads. The gonadotrophins released by the pituitary regulates the reproductive system. 



Discuss about functions of aldosterone and  Cortisol 

Describe parathyroid gland and give its functions.

Write notes on the following :

i. Hypothyroidism
ii. Melatonin

Briefly explain the structure of adrenal gland and hormones secreted by its different parts.

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