
Name one abnormalities caused by hypo and hyper secretion of hormones of adrenal cortex.

Abnormalities caused by the hypo or hyper secretion of hormones of adrenal cortex:

i. Disease caused due to hyposecretion of hormones

(a) Addison’s disease : It is caused due to the deficiency of mineralo-corticoids and Cortisol.

Symptoms : It is characterised by low blood sugar level and low blood pressure.

ii. Disease caused due to hypersecretion of hormones

(b) Cushing’s syndrome : It is due to the excess of Cortisol.

Symptoms : It is characterised by high blood sugar level, diabetes, weakness and restlessness.



 Distinguish between hormones and enzymes. 

Write the name and the source of hormones regulating the following :

(a) Uterine changes in pregnancy. 
(b) Urinary elimination of water.
(c) Metamorphosis of tadpoles.
 (d) Plasma Ca+2 level.
(e) Na+ and K+ metabolism. 
(f) Blood sugar level.
(g) Uterine contractions at the time of child's birth.

Discuss somatotrophic or growth hormone. State the abnormalities cause due to hyposecretion or hypersecretion of growth hormone?

Discuss the hormones secreted by hypothalamus.

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