
Distinguish between economic and social infrastructure.

Difference between economic and social infrastructure:

Economic Infrastructure

Social Infrastructure

1. They refer to all such elements of economic change (like power, transport, and communication) which serve as a support system to the process of economic growth.

1. They refer to the core elements of social change (like schools, hospitals etc.) which serve as support system for the process of social development of a country.

2. They foster economic growth .

2. They foster human growth.

3. They raise the standard of living of the people.

3. They increase the quality of life of the people.

4. They have direct impact on the production of goods and services.

4. They have indirect impact on the production of goods and services.



Describe the progress in health care after independence.

How would you justify the statement that India has made a substantial progress in health care?

Give the outline of measures to cope with challenges facing the power sector in India.

Write a short note on Private Sector Health Infrastructure in India.

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