
Mention Weakness and Disadvantages in Services under the Capitalist system.

1. The capitalist tries to exploit the workers in every way. He extracts more and more work from them while paying them the less wages.

2. He may employ a worker and labourer whenever he likes and throws him out of job if does not like him or does not need his services.

3. He prefers to employ the innocent children and women in his factory because their labour proves cheaper. In this way, he does not hesitate in ruining the health of the children and women.

4. Many times the capitalists do not introduce any reforms in their factories due to which some times the serious accidents occur.

Tips: -


Mention Advantages that a Socialist System can have over a Society based on Capitalism.

Mention the two combination Acts passed by the parliament in 1795. 

Discuss the Factors because of which the Industrial Revolution began first in England.

Enumerate the concept of Socialism as stated by Karl Marx.

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