
Discuss the Factors because of which the Industrial Revolution began first in England.

The Industrial Revolution started first of all in England. The factors are: 

1. The British traders had been doing the trade in foreign countries for a long time. Thus they had accumulated sufficient capital which is the primary need for establishing the factories and industries.

2. England had plenty of natural resources like iron and coal which are essential for industries.

3. England had established a large number of new colonies from where she could get the cheap raw material. These colonies could also serve as best markets to sell their finished goods.

4. England had developed a large and big shipping industry which solved the problem of transporting the things to far away countries.

5. Due to Agrarian Revolution, many agriculturists went out of the job. Such people supplied the factory owners with cheap labour.

6. The English people were quite enterprising, energetic and hard working. So they made inventions of new machines and started the industries.

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(V. Imp.)

Mention Advantages that a Socialist System can have over a Society based on Capitalism.

Under the socialist system all the factories, industries and means of production are the State property while in capitalist system these all belong to the private owners. The socialist system can have following advantages over the capital system.

1. Wealth is not concentrated in a few hands but whole society gets the benefits of the profits by equals distribution of wealth.

2. The workers and labourers are not forced to put in more work for less wages. Thus there is no exploitation of the workers.

3. In the socialist system of society the goods are produced according to the need of the society and not for the sake of profit only.

4. Socialism promises the fulfilment of the minimum necessities of life like food, cloth and shelter to all the people.

5. In the capitalist system the stress is laid to produce luxury goods while in the socialist system such goods are produced as are necessities for daily use which promote better life of all the sections of society.

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Mention Weakness and Disadvantages in Services under the Capitalist system.

1. The capitalist tries to exploit the workers in every way. He extracts more and more work from them while paying them the less wages.

2. He may employ a worker and labourer whenever he likes and throws him out of job if does not like him or does not need his services.

3. He prefers to employ the innocent children and women in his factory because their labour proves cheaper. In this way, he does not hesitate in ruining the health of the children and women.

4. Many times the capitalists do not introduce any reforms in their factories due to which some times the serious accidents occur.

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Mention the two combination Acts passed by the parliament in 1795. 

Parliament in 1795 passed two Combination Acts which made it illegal to ‘incite the people by speech or writing to hatred or contempt of the King, Constitution or Government’; and banned unauthorised public meetings of over 50 persons.

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Enumerate the concept of Socialism as stated by Karl Marx.

Karl Marx was a German thinker and scholar who is called the 'Father of Modern Communism'. He developed socialism on scientific lines. His ideas on socialism or communism were fully developed in his later writings especially in 'Das Capital'.

1. According to him, capitalism is the root cause of all social evils and hence it should be done away with.

2. In socialism, there is no place for private property.

3. All the units of production should be nationalised.

4. He said that like other social systems in history, like feudalism and slavery, capitalism is also bound to pass.

5. Capitalism in itself has the seeds of its own destruction.

6. Industrial workers are a force which would destroy capitalism and establish socialism.

7. Capitalism can be rooted out through revolution and by establishing the dictatorship of the Proletariat or the workers.

