
Mention any two features of the Economic System that grew as a result of the factory System.

1. Capitalism: Due to the introduction of factory system the major portion of society was divided into two parts :

(i) The capitalists who were the owners of the factories.

(ii) The labourers, who used to work in the factories for the wages.

2. Colonialism: In their bid to make more profits the Industrial Nations invaded and conquered many small and weak countries and turned them into their colonies because they needed the raw material to feed their machines and the markets to dispose of the finished goods.

Tips: -



What is meant by the term Industrial Revolution?

Who used the term 'Industrial Revolution'? 

In which country did the Industrial Revolution being first? How did it affect the living and working conditions of the working class in the beginning?

What is the system of society created by the Industrial Revolution called? How was it different from the system which existed in Europe

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