
In which country did the Industrial Revolution being first? How did it affect the living and working conditions of the working class in the beginning?

The Industrial Revolution began first of all in England.

Effects of Industrial Revolution on the Working Class:

(i) The workers had to work in the factories, which were poorly ventilated, poorly lighted and were extremely unhealthy. They had to work for 16 hours a day without any break.

(ii) Most of the factories were located in dirty and unhealthy places so they caused many diseases to the workers.

(iii) The workers were very low paid and it was difficult for them to make their both ends meet.

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What is meant by the term Industrial Revolution?

Industrial Revolution means the important developments and inventions which revolutionised the technique and organisation of production in the later half of the 18th century. After the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the new machines and steam power were used in place of animal and manual power for producing the things.

The revolution replaced the cottage industry by the factories, the hard work by the machine work and the artisans by the capitalists.

What is the system of society created by the Industrial Revolution called? How was it different from the system which existed in Europe

The System of Society created by the Industrial Revolution: It is called the capitalists' form of society. Under this system, the means of production were controlled by a few persons who had the money to invest. The capitalists got the maximum profits and grew richer whereas the workers became poorer.

The Difference from the Earlier system in Europe: Prior to Industrial Revolution, the workers were independent craftsmen who worked with their hands in their homes. But after the Industrial Revolution, there was a change from hand work to work done by machines and from work at home to work in factories.


Mention any two features of the Economic System that grew as a result of the factory System.

1. Capitalism: Due to the introduction of factory system the major portion of society was divided into two parts :

(i) The capitalists who were the owners of the factories.

(ii) The labourers, who used to work in the factories for the wages.

2. Colonialism: In their bid to make more profits the Industrial Nations invaded and conquered many small and weak countries and turned them into their colonies because they needed the raw material to feed their machines and the markets to dispose of the finished goods.

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Who used the term 'Industrial Revolution'? 

The term ‘Industrial Revolution’ was used by European scholars – Georges Michelet in France and Friedrich Engels in Germany. 
