
Enumerate the concept of Socialism as stated by Karl Marx.

Karl Marx was a German thinker and scholar who is called the 'Father of Modern Communism'. He developed socialism on scientific lines. His ideas on socialism or communism were fully developed in his later writings especially in 'Das Capital'.

1. According to him, capitalism is the root cause of all social evils and hence it should be done away with.

2. In socialism, there is no place for private property.

3. All the units of production should be nationalised.

4. He said that like other social systems in history, like feudalism and slavery, capitalism is also bound to pass.

5. Capitalism in itself has the seeds of its own destruction.

6. Industrial workers are a force which would destroy capitalism and establish socialism.

7. Capitalism can be rooted out through revolution and by establishing the dictatorship of the Proletariat or the workers.


Mention Weakness and Disadvantages in Services under the Capitalist system.

Mention Advantages that a Socialist System can have over a Society based on Capitalism.

Mention the two combination Acts passed by the parliament in 1795. 

Discuss the Factors because of which the Industrial Revolution began first in England.

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