
Explain the component of physical fitness.

There are five physical fitness components they are:

  1. Speed: It is an ability to perform movement at a faster rate or it is an ability to perform movement in a short period of time and sports e.g. practicing with faster rhythm, speed endurance, repetition method acceleration runs etc.
  2. Strength: It is an ability of a muscle to overcome or to act against resistance exercise, pushups etc.
  3. Endurance: It is an ability to sustain or continue the activity. It is an ability to test fatigue. It is one of the important components of middle and long distance races and it is required for almost all major games like football, hockey, and basketball.
  4. Flexibility: It is the capacity of a muscle to extend without any damage. Flexibility is measured by a range of motion around a joint. It is affected by muscle length, joint structure and other factors, it is measured through flexometer.
  5. Co-ordinate ability: It is an ability of the body to perform the movement with perfection and efficiency. In other words, it is an ability to change movement or direction in the shortest time without getting imbalanced.


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