
The correct sequence of spermatogenetic stages leading to the formation of sperms in mature human testis is

  • spermatocyte-spermatoogonia-spermatid-sperms

  • spermatogonia-spermatocyte-spermatid

  • spermatid-spermatocyte-spermatogonia-sperms,

  • spermatid-spermatocyte-spermatogonia-sperms,



In spermatogenesis, during growth phase some spermatogonia either due to growth or due to food storage become 2 or 3 times larger to their original size and are known as primary spermatocytes, which undergo meiosis- I and as result2 haploid secondary spermatocytes are formed.Further, meiosis-II takes place that results in the formation of 4- spermatids. Then, these round, non-motile and haploid spermatids are transformed into thread-like motile, haploid sperms (four).



In human adult females, oxytocin

  • is secreted by the anterior pituitary

  • stimulates the growth of mammary glands

  • stimulates pituitary to secrete vasopressin

  • stimulates pituitary to secrete vasopressin

Seminal plasma in human is rich in 

  • fructose, calcium and certain enzymes

  • fructose and calcium but has no enzymes

  • glucose and certain enzymes but has no calcium

  • glucose and certain enzymes but has no calcium

In humans, at the end of the first meiotic division, the male germ cells differentiate into the

  • Primary spermatocytes

  • Secondary spermatocytes

  • spermatids

  • spermatids

Which extraembryonic membrane in humans prevents desiccation of the embryo inside the uterus?

  • Chorion

  • Allantois

  • Yolk sac

  • Yolk sac

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