
Select the ether among following that yields methanol as one the products on reaction with cold hydroiodic acid

  • 1-methoxybutane

  • 1-methoxybutane-2-methylpropane

  • 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane

  • methoxybenzene



According Zeise! method, when an ether reacts with cold HI, alkyl iodide and alcohol are formed. In case of asymmetrical ether, the alkyl halide is always formed from the smaller alkyl group provided no tertiary (3°) alkyl group is present and if any 3° alkyl group is present, the halogen gets attached with it. In case of alkyl aryl ethers, the products are always phenol and an alkyl halide.


An aromatic compound 'A' of molecular formula C7H7ON undergoes a series of reactions as shown below. Write the structures of A, B, C, D and E in the following reactions:

Arrange the following compounds in order of decreasing acidity





Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:

(i) Ethanal and Propanal

(ii) Benzoic acid and Phenol

A solution of (–) –1 – chloro –1 – phenylethane is toluene racemises slowly in the presence of a small amount of SbCl5, due to the formation of

  • carbanion

  • Carbene

  • Carbocation

  • Carbocation

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