Describe briefly Thomson model of an atom. from Chemistry Struc

Describe briefly Thomson model of an atom.

Thomson proposed that the shape of an atom resembles that of a sphere having a radius of the order of 10-10 m. The positively charged particles are uniformly distributed with electrons arranged in such a manner that the atom is electrostatically stable. Thomson’s atomic model was also called as the plum pudding model or the watermelon model. The embedded electrons resembled the seed of watermelon while the watermelon’s red mass represented the positive charge distribution. The plum pudding atomic theory assumed that the mass of an atom is uniformly distributed all over the atom.



In which plane the probability of finding an electron residing in Px orbital is zero?

It is zero in the yz plane.

Write the electronic configuration of Cr3+. (At. No. of Cr = 24)

Cr3+ = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3.

What is the difference in the origin of cathode rays and anode rays?

Cathode rays consist of negatively charged material particles called electrons. These rays deflect towards the positive plate of an electric field. The charge to mass (e/m) for the particles in the nature of the gas taken in the discharge tube.

Anode rays consists of positively charges material particles. These rays deflect towards the negative plate of an electric field.


How will you explain the observations of Rutherford's α-ray scattering experiment?

(i) Most of the space in an atom between the nucleus and revolving electrons is empty. So most of α-particles will pass through an atom without any deflection. Electrons may cause only minor deflections to α-particles.

(ii) Alpha particles (He2+) have two units of positive charge while the nucleus of gold contains 79 protons. The nucleus will repel the α-particles. Since the size of the nucleus is very small, so only a few α-particles will pass by its side and deflected by a small angle.

(iii) A very few α-particles (1 in 20000) may hit or try to hit the small nucleus and these will be deflected backwards through angles greater than 90°.

