The power house of cells is called : from Science Cell - Structur

What is the difference between the plasma membrane and cell wall? Give the functions of each.

Differences between the plasma membrane and cell wall are : 

Plasma membrane  Cell wall
Its is living. It is non-living
Found in all the cells Found in plant cells, bacteria, and fungi.  Absent in animal cells. 
Selectively permeable  Freely permeable.

Functions of Plasma Membrane :

(i) It gives shape and rigidity to the cell.

(ii) It helps in maintaining the chemical composition of the cell.

(iii) It helps in cellular movement or locomotion as in amoeba.

Functions of Cell Wall :

(i) It provides support to a plant cell.

(ii) It determines the shape of the cell and prevents it from drying.




The power house of cells is called :

  • Cell wall

  • Mitochondria

  • Ribosomes

  • Nucleus





Write the functions of cell organelles.

Functions of cell organelles are

(i) Mitochondria : It performs the function of respiration and produces energy.

(ii) Endoplasmic-reticulum : It is a network of membrane, it provides large surface area for life function to take place.

(iii) Chloroplasts : These are green in colour, contain green pigment chlorophyll which help in manufacturing of food in plants.

(iv) Golgi complex : These collect and distribute materials made in the cell.

(v) Centrioles and centrosome : It helps in cell division in animal cells.

(vi) Ribosomes : They help in protein synthesis.

(vii) Vacuoles : They are used for storage of waste material.


What would happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down?

If the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down, then following things may happen :

(i) There will be no difference between the contents of the cell and its external environment.

(ii) Ruptured plasma membrane will allow free movement of all the substances in and out of the cell.

(iii) The cell will lose its shape as the plasma membrane provide shape to the cell. 

(iv) All the metabolic activities of the cell will get affected , may even stop and cell may die .


How do you differentiate protoplasm from cytoplasm?

Protoplasm : The cytoplasm surrounded by the cell membrane and enclosing the nucleus together constitute the protoplasm. In other words the cell membrane, the cytoplasm and the nucleus constitute protoplasm.

Cytoplasm : It is jelly like substance occupied most of the inside of the cell. It occupies the space between the cell membrane and the nucleus. All the life functions take place in the cytoplasm. It contains many important tiny structures called the organelles, which performs the various life functions.

