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Motivation, its type And techniques

Motivation means to be inspired to do something. It is a kind of inner force which energizes a man to make constant efforts. According to Crook and Stein, Motivation is any condition that might energies and directs our action. Motivation energizes an individual to behave in a particular way of attaining a specific goal.

Types of Motivation:

There are two types of motivation

Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic Motivation is within an individual and guides him/her to perform better. It is based upon needs, interest, nature, emotions, social need etc. It also depends upon knowledge of result, personal factor, competition zeal etc. He/she participates in sports for his/her own sake.

Extrinsic Motivation: This motivation depends upon environmental factors. It has a great impact on an individual's performance. It is of various types like rewards, punishment, active participation, test evaluation, teaching methods, equipment and surroundings.

Healthy Sports Environment A healthy sports environment plays a vital role in motivating the sportsperson. Healthy sports environment consists of proper humidity and temperature, smooth and clean sports fields, good quality of sports equipment and other facilities. Positive Attitude For proper motivation, the coaches should try to encourage a positive attitude among sportspersons. Players must think positively.

Cash Prizes, Certificates and Trophies These are good incentives to sportspersons. Governments offer cash prizes to sportspersons who win.
