Consider the following statements. Which among them is/are NOT

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions

1. Which among the following is NOT a Standing Committee?
  • Public Accounts Committee
  • Ethics Committee
  • Railway Convention Committee
  • Railway Convention Committee

2. Consider the following statements. Which among them is/are NOT true?

1. A parliamentary committee is appointed or elected by either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha or nominated by the Speaker of Lok Sabha or Chairman of Rajya Sabha
2. A parliamentary committee worker under the direction of the Speaker of Lok Sabha or the Chairman of Rajya Sabha
3. A parliamentary committee is one which presents its report to either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha or either to the Speaker or Chairman 
4. A parliamentary committee has a secretariat provided by the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha 
  • Only 1 and 3
  •  Only 2 and 4
  • Only 1, 2 and 3
  • Only 1, 2 and 3

3. Consider the following statements. Which among them is/are NOT true?

1. Standing Committees are the permanent committees that are constituted on a regular basis
2. Ad hoc committees are temporary committees that are dissolved when the task is completed
3. Committee of Privileges is an ad-hoc committee 
4. Joint Committee on Fertilizer pricing is a standing committee
  •  Only 3 and 4
  •  Only 1 and 2
  • Only 1 and 3
  • Only 1 and 3

4.  What among the following is NOT true about the Public Accounts Committee?

1. The committee was first set up in 1921
2. It's main function is to audit the annual reports of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)
3. It consists of 15 Lok Sabha members and 7 Rajya Sabha members 
4. The term of the office of the Public Accounts Committee is one year
  • Only 1
  • Only 2
  • Only 3
  • Only 3

5. Which among the following is NOT true about the Estimates Committee?

1. The first Estimates Committee of the post-independence era was first set up in 1950
2. Estimates Committee has a right to question the policies approved by the Parliament 
3. It consists of members that are both from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha 
4. Chairman of the Estimates Committee is always from the Opposition party 
  • Only 4
  • Only 3
  •  Only 2 and 4
  •  Only 2 and 4

6. When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Children constituted?
  • 2006
  •  2007
  •  2008
  •  2008


 Which among the following is NOT a Standing Committee?

  • Railway Convention Committee

  • Public Accounts Committee

  •  Ethics Committee

  •  Ethics Committee



8.  Consider the following statements. Which among them is/are NOT true?

1. A parliamentary committee is appointed or elected by either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha or nominated by the Speaker of Lok Sabha or Chairman of Rajya Sabha
2. A parliamentary committee worker under the direction of the Speaker of Lok Sabha or the Chairman of Rajya Sabha
3. A parliamentary committee is one which presents its report to either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha or either to the Speaker or Chairman 
4. A parliamentary committee has a secretariat provided by the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha 
  • only 1 and 3

  • Only 2 and 4

  • Only 1, 2 and 3

  • Only 1, 2 and 3


Only 1, 2 and 3


9.  Consider the following statements. Which among them is/are NOT true?

1. Standing Committees are the permanent committees that are constituted on a regular basis
2. Ad hoc committees are temporary committees that are dissolved when the task is completed
3. Committee of Privileges is an ad-hoc committee 
4. Joint Committee on Fertilizer pricing is a standing committee
  • Only 3 and 4

  •  Only 1 and 2

  • Only 1 and 3

  • Only 1 and 3


10. What among the following is NOT true about the Public Accounts Committee?

1. The committee was first set up in 1921
2. It's main function is to audit the annual reports of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)
3. It consists of 15 Lok Sabha members and 7 Rajya Sabha members 
4. The term of the office of the Public Accounts Committee is one year
  • only 1

  • only 2

  • only 3

  • only 3

