i. There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.ii. One

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i. There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.
ii. One of them is a Singer, one is a Dancer, one is a Painter, one is a Teacher and one is
a Doctor.
iii. Three of them – A, C and Doctor prefer rice to chapatti and two of them – B and the
Painter prefer chapatti to rice.
iv. The Teacher, D and A are friends to one another but two of these prefer chapatti to
v. The Singer is C’s brother.
Who is a Dancer?

  • D

  • C

  • A

  • A



i. There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.
ii. One of them is a Singer, one is a Dancer, one is a Painter, one is a Teacher and one is
a Doctor.
iii. Three of them – A, C and Doctor prefer rice to chapatti and two of them – B and the
Painter prefer chapatti to rice.
iv. The Teacher, D and A are friends to one another but two of these prefer chapatti to
v. The Singer is C’s brother.
Who is a Teacher?

  • B

  • E

  • C

  • C



i. There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.
ii. One of them is a Singer, one is a Dancer, one is a Painter, one is a Teacher and one is
a Doctor.
iii. Three of them – A, C and Doctor prefer rice to chapatti and two of them – B and the
Painter prefer chapatti to rice.
iv. The Teacher, D and A are friends to one another but two of these prefer chapatti to
v. The Singer is C’s brother.
Who is a Singer?

  • C

  • D

  • A

  • A



i. Six flats on a floor in two rows facing North and South are allotted to P, Q, R, S, T and
ii. Q gets a North-facing flat and is not next to S.
iii. S and U get diagonally opposite flats.
iv. R, next to U gets a South-facing flat and T gets a North-facing flat.
If the flats of T and P are interchanged, who’s flat will be next to that of U?

  • R

  • Q

  • P

  • P




i. There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.
ii. One of them is a Singer, one is a Dancer, one is a Painter, one is a Teacher and one is
a Doctor.
iii. Three of them – A, C and Doctor prefer rice to chapatti and two of them – B and the
Painter prefer chapatti to rice.
iv. The Teacher, D and A are friends to one another but two of these prefer chapatti to
v. The Singer is C’s brother.
Whose flat is between Q and S?

  • T

  • R

  • U

  • U





i. There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.
ii. One of them is a Singer, one is a Dancer, one is a Painter, one is a Teacher and one is
a Doctor.
iii. Three of them – A, C and Doctor prefer rice to chapatti and two of them – B and the
Painter prefer chapatti to rice.
iv. The Teacher, D and A are friends to one another but two of these prefer chapatti to
v. The Singer is C’s brother.

Which of the following combination gets South-facing flats?

  • U, R, P

  • Q, T, S

  • U, P ,T

  • U, P ,T

