Select the wrong statement : from Biology Cell Cycle and Cell Di

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Select the wrong statement :

  • Cell wall is present in members of Fungi and Plantae

  • Mushrooms belong to Basidiomycetes

  • Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell in all kingdoms except Monera

  • Pseudopodia are locomotory and feeding structures in Sporozoans


Pseudopodia are locomotory and feeding structures in Sporozoans

Pseudopodia are locomotory structures in sarcodines (Amoeboid).


Post-mitotic gap phase is characterised by all, except

  • Synthesis of RNA and nucleotides

  • No change in DNA content

  • Synthesis of histone proteins

  • Growth phase of the hell


Independent assortment of gene occurs due to the orientation of chromosomes at

  • Metaphase-I of mitosis

  • Metaphase-I of meiosis

  • Metaphase-II of meiosis

  • Any phase of the cell division


The non-disjunction, in meiosis may result is extra copy of a chromosome in a sperm cell. During which phase the above phenomenon may occur?

  • Prophase-I, prophase-II

  • Prophase-I, prophase-II

  • Anaphase-I, anaphase-II

  • Anaphase-I, telophase-II


The mitotic cell cycle is divided typically into four phases; G1, S, G2 and M. Considering a mitotic cycle time of 18 hrs; the distribution of period of time (in hrs) for each of these phases will be

  • G1 S G2 M
    1 3 5 9
  • G1 S G2 M
    9 1 3 5
  • G1 S G2 M
    9 5 3 1
  • G1 S G2 M
    3 5 9 1


Which one of the following precedes re-formation of the nuclear envelope during M-phase of the cell Cycle?

  • Decondensation from chromosome and reassembly of the nuclear lamina

  • Transcription from chromosome and reassembly of the nuclear lamina

  • Formation of the contractile ring and formation of the phragmoplast

  • Formaltion of the contractile ring and transcription from chromosomes


Viruses that infect bacterial multiplication and cause their lysis, are called

  • Lysozymes

  • Lipolytic

  • Lytic

  • Lysogenic


During meiotic division, the

  • homologous chromosomes are seperated

  • linkage is disturbed

  • homologous chromosomes do not segregate

  • All of the above


During the G1- phase of cell division

  • RNA and proteins are synthesised

  • DNA and proteins are synthesised

  • cell prepares for M- phase

  • cell undergoes duplication


In cell cycle, during which phase chromosomes are arranged in equatorial plate?

  • Metaphase

  • Anaphase

  • Telophase

  • Prophase
