Assertion : The imbalance in the concentration of Na+, K+ and pro

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following part of a neuron is covered by fatty sheath ?

  • axon

  • cyton

  • dendrite

  • node of Ranvier


If drosal nerve of spinal cord is broken down then its effect is :

  • no impulse is transmitted

  • impulse is transmitted but slowly

  • impulse is trasmitted fast

  • no effect on impulse


A condition in which body's internal environment remains relatively constant within limits is called :

  • homeostasis

  • hemostasis

  • hematoma

  • haemopoiesis


Intercellular communication in multicellular organism occurs through :

  • digestive system only

  • respiratory system only

  • nervous system only

  • both nervous and endocrine system


Tongue is under control of :

  • trigeminal nerve

  • facial nerve

  • automatic nervous system

  • glossopharyngeal nerve



Assertion : The imbalance in the concentration of Na+, K+ and proteins generates the resting potential.

Reason : To maintain the unequal distribution of Na+ and K+, the neurons use electrical energy.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both the assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both the assertion and reason are false.


If assertion is true but reason is false.

To maintain the unequal distribution of Na+ and K+ ion, the neuron uses chemical energy in the form of ATP to actively transport Na+ ion out of the cell and move K+ inside the cell.


If a stimulus, several times greater than the threshold stimulus is provided to a muscle fibre, it will

  • contract with a larger force

  • contract with a smaller force

  • contract with the same force

  • undergo tetany.


Sella Turcica is found

  • in bones

  • in joints

  • nearby pituitary

  • nearby thyroid


Which of the following statement is wrong regarding conduction of nerve impulse?

  • In a resting neuron, the axonal membrane is more permeable to K+ ions and nearly impermeable to Na+ ions.

  • Fluid outside the axon has a high concentration of Na+ and low concentration of K+, in a resting neuron

  • Ionic gradients are maintained by Na-K pumps across the resting membrane, which transport 3 Na+ ions outwards for 2K+ ions into the cell.

  • Resting potential is the electrical potential difference across the resting membrane

  • Resting potential is the electrical potential difference across the resting membrane


The yellowish pigmented spot at the posterior pole of the human eye lateral to the blind spot is

  • crista

  • saccule

  • iris

  • meatus

  • meatus
