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There are five students having physical disability in a class. During the games period, they should be

  • seated in a corner so that these children can enjoy watching the game

  • encouraged to take part in the games appropriate for them with other children

  • allowed to take part only in indoor games

  • forced to play with all the students of the class


If you get an opportunity to teach a visually, challenged student along with normal students, what type of treatment would you like to give him/her in the class?

  • Not giving extra attention because majority may suffer

  • Take care of him sympathetically in the classroom

  • You will think that blindness is his destiny and hence you can do nothing

  • Arrange a seat in the front row and try to teach at a pace convenient to him


Inclusive education refers to a school education system that

  • emphasises the need to promote the education of the girl child only

  • includes all children with disability

  • includes children regardless of physical, intellectual, social, linguistic or other differently-abled conditions

  • encourages education of children with special needs through exclusive schools


Which of these is a characteristic of a child with learning disability?

  • An IQ below 50

  • Difficulty in reading fluently and reversing words

  • Bullying other children and engaging in aggressive acts

  • Doing the same motor action repeatedly


A teacher can effectively respond to the needs of children from 'disadvantaged sections' of society by

  • telling the 'other children' to co-operate with the 'disadvantaged children' and help them learn the ways of the school

  • sensitizing the disadvantaged children to the norms and strictures of schools so that they can comply with those

  • reflecting on the school system and herself about various ways in which biases and stereotypes surface

  • ensuring that the children do not get a chance to interact with each other to minimize the chances of their being bullied


The rationale behind inclusive education is that

  • society is heterogeneous and schools need to be inclusive to cater to heterogeneous society

  • the benchmarks for performance of each child should be uniform and standardized

  • we need to take pity on special children and provide them access to facilities

  • it is not cost-effective to provide for separate schools for special children


Which one of the following would be the most effective way to identify a creative child by the teacher?

  • Observing how the child interacts with peers in team tasks

  • Detailed observation of the child especially when she solves problems

  • Administering standardized intelligence tests

  • Giving objective type tests


A teacher's most important role in an inclusive classroom is

  • to ensure that the teacher gives standard instructions to the class

  • to find out the occupations of parents of children so that the teacher knows what each child's future

  • to ensure that child gets an opportunity to realise her potential

  • to plan for the class so that every child progresses at the same pace


Children with learning disabilities

  • have confusion between letters and alphabets that look alike

  • easily recognize and comprehend sight words

  • have retarded mental development

  • have low IQ


IQ of children having average intelligence will be between.

  • 50-59

  • 70-89

  • 90-109

  • 110-129
