Ability to recognise and classify all varieties of animals, minerals, and plants, according to multiple intelligences theory, is called
logico-mathematical intelligence
naturalist intelligence
linguistic intelligence
spatial intelligence
The statement 'Majority of the people are average, a few very bright and a few very dull' is based on the established principle of
intelligence and racial differences
distribution of intelligence
growth of intelligence
intelligence and sex differences
Creativity is usually associated with
convergent thinking
divergent thinking
Which one of the following is not the characteristic of creativity?
Fluid intelligence of RB Cattel is equivalent to
genetic factors
environmental factors
intellectual factors
social factors
Intelligence related to monitor the feeling and emotions of self is referred to
Linguistic intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Spatial intelligence
Personal intelligence
Which one of the following is a critique of theory of multiple intelligences?
Multiple intelligences are only the 'talents' present in intelligence as a whole
Multiple intelligences provides students to discover their propensities
It overemphasises practical intelligence
It cannot be supported by empirical evidence at all
Intelligence theory incorporates the mental processes involved in intelligence (i.e. meta components) and the varied forms that intelligence can take (i.e. creative intelligence)
Spearman's 'g' factor
Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence
Savant theory of intelligence
Thurstone's primary mental abilities
In context of 'theory of multiple intelligences', which one of the following intelligence is required for an airforce pilot?