


ICSE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


(i) Write the equation which relates the number of phases, components and degree of freedom of a system in equilibrium.    

(ii) How many phases and components are there in a system consisting of:

(1) a mixture of O2 and N2 gases

(2) N2 gas containing H2O vapour

(3) a mixture of ice and water

(4) a mixture of powdered iron and sulphur

(5) a lump of solid iron (II) sulphide

Give a suitable explanation, in brief, for your answer.




Consider the reaction,

A + B → C + D   

The initial rates for different initial concentrations of the reactants are given below :

Initial concentration (mol 1– 1Initial rate (mol 1 –1 s– 1)








2.0 x 10 – 3




4.0 x 10– 3




8.0 x 10– 3




2.0 x 10– 3




2.0 x 10’3

(a) What are the orders with respect to A and B ?

(b) What is the overall order ?

(c) Write the rate law equation.

(d) Calculate the rate constant.

(e) Suggest a possible mechanism.

According to equation A+B --> C +D
The initial rates is given by [A]m[B]n

(i)   Initial rate = k[1]m[1]n =2.0 x 10-3
ii)    Initial rate = k[2]m[1]n = 4.0 x 10-3
iii)   Initial rate = k[4]m[1]n = 8.0 x 10-3
iv)   Initial rate = k[1]m[2]n = 2.0 x 10-3
v)    Initial rate = k[2]m[4]n = 2.0 x 10-3

Dividing space left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis space by space left parenthesis ii right parenthesis space 1 half space equals open square brackets 1 half close square brackets to the power of straight m space space or space straight m space equals space 1

Dividing space left parenthesis iv right parenthesis space by space left parenthesis straight v right parenthesis space 1 equals space open square brackets 1 half close square brackets to the power of straight n space or space straight n space equals space 0

The space order space of space reaction space with space respect space to space straight A space is space 1 space left parenthesis straight m equals 1 right parenthesis
The space order space of space reaction space with space respect space to space straight B space is space 0 left parenthesis straight n equals 0 right parenthesis

left parenthesis straight b right parenthesis space The space overall space order space is space 1 space left parenthesis straight i. straight e. space straight m plus straight n space equals 1 plus 0 equals 1 right parenthesis
left parenthesis straight c right parenthesis space Rate space law space equation space is space given space by space
straight r space equals space straight k left square bracket straight A right square bracket to the power of 1

straight d right parenthesis space space Rate space constant space straight k space equals space fraction numerator initial space rate over denominator left square bracket straight A right square bracket to the power of straight m left square bracket straight B right square bracket to the power of straight n end fraction

Puttin space values space from space left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis space
straight k space equals space fraction numerator 2 space straight x space 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent over denominator left square bracket 1 right square bracket to the power of 1 left square bracket 1 right square bracket to the power of 0 end fraction

straight k equals space 2 space straight x space 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent per space sec.



Explain the principle involved in the following observations :  

(i) Cu2+ is precipitated as CuS in the acidic medium while Ni2+ is precipitated as NiS in a basic medium with H2S.

(ii) A solution of a weak acid and its salt with strong base has a definite pH value which does not change appreciably on dilution.

(iii) A solution of sodium chloride is neutral while that of ferric chloride is acidic in nature.



(i) Why could fluorine not be prepared for a long time from HF and metal fluorides either by electrolysis or by any chemical reaction ? 

(ii) Describe the modern method for the preparation of fluorine by giving :

(a) Materials used in the construction of the cell.

(b) Electrolyte used.

(c) Electrode reactions.

