In the reaction with HCl, an alkene reacts in accordance with the markownikoff's rule, to give a product 1-chloro -1- methylcyclohexane. The possible alkane is
(a) and (b)
(a) and (b)
2,3 -dimethyl - 2- butene can be prepared by heating which of the following compounds with a strong acid?
(CH3)2C =CH-CH2-CH3
(CH3)2C =CH-CH2-CH3
The oxidation of benzene by V2O5 in the presence of air produces
benzoic anhydride
maleic anhydride
benzoic acid
benzoic acid
maleic anhydride
The following reaction,
is known by the name
Friedel -Crafts reaction
Perkins reaction
Acetylation reaction
Acetylation reaction