NEET Physics Solved Question Paper 2013 | Previous Year Papers | Zigya




NEET Class 12

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A car of mass 1000 kg moves on a circular track of radius 40 m. If the coefficient of friction is 1.28. The maximum velocity with which the car can be moved, is

  • 22.4 m/s

  • 112 m/s

  • 0.64 × 401000 × 100m/s

  • 1000 m/s


The escape velocity for the earth is 11.2 km/s. The mass of another planet 100  times mass of earth and its radius is 4 times radius of the earth. The escape velocity for the planet is

  • 280 km/s

  • 56.0 km/s

  • 112 km/s

  • 56 km/s


A body is thrown with a velocity of 9.8 m/s making an angle of 30° with the horizontal. It will hit the ground after a time

  • 1.5 s

  • 1 s

  • 3 s

  • 2 s


A gas expands 0.25 m3 at constant pressure 103 N/m2, the work done is

  • 250 N

  • 250 W

  • 250 J

  • 2.5 erg


A moving body of mass m and velocity 3 km/h collides with a rest body ofmass 2 m and stick to it. Now the combined mass starts to move. What will be the combined velocity?

  • 4 km/h

  • 1 km/h

  • 2 km/h

  • 3 km/h


Two rigid bodies A and B rotate with rotational kinetic energies E, and E, respectively. The moments of inertia of A and B about the axis of rotation are IA and IB respectively.

If IA = IB2 and  EA = 100 = EB, the ratio of angular momentum (LA ) of A to the angular  momentum ( LB ) of B is

  • 25

  • 5/4

  • 5

  • 1/4


The working principle of a ball point pen is

  • Bernoulli's theorem

  • surface tension

  • gravity

  • viscosity


Progressive waves are represented by the equation y1 = a sin (ωt - x )  and y2 = bcos (ωt - x ).  The phase difference wave is

  • 0o

  • 45o

  • 90o

  • 180o


Two boys are standing at the ends A and B of a ground, where AB= a. The boy at B starts running in a direction perpendicular to AB with velocity The boy at A starts running simultaneously with velocity v and catches the other boy in a time t, where t is

  • av2 + v12

  • a2v2 - v12

  • av - v1  

  • av + v1


A force F is given F = at + bt2 where, t is time. What are the dimensions of a and b?

  • [ M L T-1 ] and [M L To ]

  • [ M L T-3 ] and [ M L2 T-4 ]

  • [ M L T-4 ] and [ M L T1 ]

  • [ M L T-3 ] and [ M L T-4 ]
