Which of the following is not a characteristic of a slow learner?


English Language


TET Class 12

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If you were to ask 20 people the meaning of physical fitness, you would get 20 different answers. Fitness is all things to all people, a precious commodity which enables us to live our lives to the full yet is really cherished only when it begins to fade away. To an older person, it might be the feeling of youthful vigour, to an athlete the capacity to run a mile in four minutes, to a stenographer ability to type for eight hours at a stretch without developing aching shoulder muscles. To a coach it is something which comes with training, to a physician, it is a functional state of the body defined in technical terms.
It is all these things and more. It is strength, flexibility, ability, power, speed, and muscular and cardiovascular endurance. It is the ability to enjoy our daily lives and to achieve our goals without undue fatigue or stress. It is having a reserve of physical stamina and strength for safety and the enjoyment of leisure activities. It is protection against degenerative diseases and feeling physically youthful even when we are growing old. Fitness is active, not passive. Yet recent decades have seen a quantum leap in the number of devices which help us to avoid effort and movement, the two key ingredients in physical fitness. We can no longer take fitness for granted, as could people of an earlier era, because the automatic movements which should maintain its walking, carrying, pushing, running, jumping, digging, lifting are gradually becoming unnecessary. We don't have to get to our feet to change television programmes. It's only human to take advantage of shortcuts. But even though many of us are beginning to recognise the need to combat the rising toll of degenerative diseases and the decrease in capacity for activities which require effort, all too often we still look for a button to push. We want to get fit without having to work at it and without making changes in our lifestyles. This is not possible.

According to the passage, what has negatively affected our physical fitness?

  • Walking, carrying, pushing, running, jumping, digging, lifting

  • A quantum leap in the number of devices which help us to avoid effort and movement

  • Both (A) and (B) are correct

  • Both (A) and (B) are incorrect


If you were to ask 20 people the meaning of physical fitness, you would get 20 different answers. Fitness is all things to all people, a precious commodity which enables us to live our lives to the full yet is really cherished only when it begins to fade away. To an older person, it might be the feeling of youthful vigour, to an athlete the capacity to run a mile in four minutes, to a stenographer ability to type for eight hours at a stretch without developing aching shoulder muscles. To a coach it is something which comes with training, to a physician, it is a functional state of the body defined in technical terms.
It is all these things and more. It is strength, flexibility, ability, power, speed, and muscular and cardiovascular endurance. It is the ability to enjoy our daily lives and to achieve our goals without undue fatigue or stress. It is having a reserve of physical stamina and strength for safety and the enjoyment of leisure activities. It is protection against degenerative diseases and feeling physically youthful even when we are growing old. Fitness is active, not passive. Yet recent decades have seen a quantum leap in the number of devices which help us to avoid effort and movement, the two key ingredients in physical fitness. We can no longer take fitness for granted, as could people of an earlier era, because the automatic movements which should maintain its walking, carrying, pushing, running, jumping, digging, lifting are gradually becoming unnecessary. We don't have to get to our feet to change television programmes. It's only human to take advantage of shortcuts. But even though many of us are beginning to recognise the need to combat the rising toll of degenerative diseases and the decrease in capacity for activities which require effort, all too often we still look for a button to push. We want to get fit without having to work at it and without making changes in our lifestyles. This is not possible.

'All too often we still look for a button to push' means

  • We love to do physical work

  • we get on to our feet to change television programes

  • We accept the need for fitness and make it a personal commitment

  • We want to get fit without having to work at it and without making changes to our lifestyles



Which of the following is not a characteristic of a slow learner?

  • Limited vocabulary

  • Short attention span

  • Abstract thinking

  • Limited range of interests


Abstract thinking

Slow learners can't develop the tendency to think in an abstract manner at an early age.


Passengers must switch off their mobile phones. What does the underlined auxiliary 'must' suggest?

  • expectation

  • compulsion

  • obligation

  • None of these


The English Language Teaching Method that refrains from using the learners' native language and just uses the target language is 

  • the audio-lingual method

  • the grammar-translation method

  • communicative language teaching

  • the direct method


Choose the correct indirect form of the sentence.

The policeman said, "Please move this car."

  • The policeman commanded me to move the car.

  • The policeman requested me to move the car.

  • The policeman suggested that I move the car.

  • The policeman advised me to move the car.


Choose the correct passive construction of the sentence.

'Someone sells tickets at the box office.'

  • Tickets are sold at the box office.

  • Tickets are being sold at the box office.

  • Tickets were sold at the box office by somebody.

  • At the box office, tickets were sold by somebody


How can language be best acquired?

  • Reading, writing, speaking, listening

  • Listening, speaking, reading, writing

  • Writing, reading, listening, speaking

  • Speaking, listening, reading, writing


Choose the mis-spelt word.

  • Peace

  • Piece

  • Peirce

  • Piety


Manoj is one of the students who _________ passed the exam.

  • have

  • has

  • had

  • would have
