
How is the Lower Town different from the Citadel?


In what ways is the Lower Town different from the Citadel, in Mohenjodaro?

Difference between the Lower Town and the Citadel:
Lower Town:

i.  It was located on the lower part of the town.

ii. This part of the town was much larger than the citadel.

iii. This part of the town had the residential housing.

iv. Mundane activities of the people for example trade, craftmaking etc were done here.


i. It was located higher than the lower town because of the raised platform on which it was built.

ii. It was fairly small in size as compared to the lower town.

iii. Upper town is believed to be used for public purposes.

iv. It differed from the lower town because of its massive buildings, for example great bath, granaries. It is speculated that Great bath was used for some ritual baths. Hence it is believed that the citadel was kept way from the mundane activities.



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