
“Direction is the least important function of management”. Do you agree with this statement? Give any two reasons in support of your answer.

No, I do not agree with this statement as directing is the most important function of management. It is also known as management-in-action. In support of my answer, I can give the following reasons:

(i) It Initiates Action: The employees are appointed up to the first three functions of management (planning, organising and staffing). But they cannot commence their job until they are not informed about what to do and how to do. This job manager performs through direction. Thus, it is evident that it is direction which initiates action in an organisation.

(ii) It Integrates Employees’ Efforts: Many employees work in an organisation. If any one of employees in the employees’-chain does not perform up to the mark, it adversely affects the performance of remaining employees. Thus, it is essential to establish coordination among all the activities. Manager establishes this coordination by supervising, providing good leadership, motivating and exchanging ideas with his subordinates.




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