
(a) In a tabular form, differentiate between ethanol and ethanoic acid under the following heads:

(i) Physical state

(ii) Taste

(iii) NaHCO3 test

(iv) Ester test

(b) Write a chemical reaction to show the dehydration of ethanol.




Ethanoic acid


Physical state

Ethanol is a colorless liquid with pleasant odor

Ethanoic acid is colorless, pungent smelling liquid



Ethanol is bitter to taste

Ethanoic acid is sour to taste


NaHCO3 test

Ethanol does not react with sodium bicarbonate

When ethanoic acid reacts with sodium NaHCO3 with the evolution of carbon dioxide gas.


Ester test

Ethanol on reaction with ethanoic acid in the presence of acid forms ester.

Ethanoic acid on reaction with alcohols in the presence of conc. Sulphuric acid to form ester./


(b) Ethanol undergoes dehydration to form ethane. 

 2 CH subscript 3 CH subscript 2 OH space rightwards arrow from Conc. space straight H subscript 2 SO subscript 4 to increment of space 2 CH subscript 2 equals CH subscript 2 space plus straight H subscript 2 straight O



Carbon and its Compounds

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