
Write the functions of the following in human female reproductive system:  Ovary, oviduct, uterus. How does the embryo get nourishment inside the mother's body? Explain in brief.

Functions of the Ovary

 It produces female gametes (ova) or egg.

It secretes female sex hormones that is progesterone.

Functions of the Oviduct

Fertilization takes place here.

It carries egg from the ovary to the womb.

Functions of the Uterus

It prepares itself every month to receive and nurture

the growing embryo.

It expands according to the growth of the baby.


The embryo develops inside the mother’s body for about nine months. Inside the uterus, the outer tissue surrounding the embryo develops finger-like projections called villi. These villi are surrounded by uterine tissue and maternal blood. They provide a large surface area for the exchange of oxygen and nutrients. There is a special tissue called placenta embedded in the uterine wall. The embryo receives the oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood via the placenta. The waste material produced by the embryo is removed through the placenta.



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