
Describe the exhaustion of natural resources as a problem. Recommend some measures to solve this problems.

Exhaustion of natural resources:

If the natural resources such as minerals are used indiscriminately, they will be exhausted. For example, if people in the world continue to use crude oil in the present manner, it will run out of stock in next 43 years. Then there are countries like USA which are using their military and economic power to get maximum oil from other countires. India is dependent on other countries for oil and spending a lot of foreign exchange on its import.

Measures for solving this problems : In view of the above problems, steps should be taken for the sustainability of development.

(i) Natural resources like crude oil should not be used indiscriminately.

(ii) Alternate modes of energy i.e., solar energy or wind energy and others should be used so that a part of limited natural resources may be preserved for future generations.

(iii) There should be planned and judicious use of natural resources.





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