
For a CE-transistor amplifier, the audio signal voltage across the collector resistance of 2 kΩ is 2 V. Given the current amplification factor of the transistor is 100, find the input signal voltage and base current, if the base resistance is 1 kΩ. 

Given, Rc = 2000Ω
RB = 1000 Ω,
 β = 100,
voltage gain can given as,

straight V subscript 0 over straight V subscript straight i space equals space straight beta straight R subscript straight c over straight R subscript straight i
2 over straight V subscript straight i space equals space 100 space straight x 2000 over 1000
rightwards double arrow space straight V subscript straight i space equals space 0.01 space straight V
Now comma space collector space current space is space given space as
straight I subscript straight C space equals space straight V subscript 0 over straight R subscript straight C space equals space 2 over 2000 space equals space 0.001 space straight A
straight beta space equals space straight I subscript straight C over straight I subscript straight B
100 space equals space fraction numerator begin display style 0.001 end style over denominator straight I subscript straight B end fraction
rightwards double arrow straight I subscript straight B space equals space 10 straight mu space straight A


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