zigya tab
Find out and make a list of proteins used as a therapeutic agents. Find other application of proteins (e.g. cosmetic etc)

Proteins that are used as therapeutic agents are as follows:

1. Thrombin and fibrinogen – They help in blood clotting.

2. Insulin – It is used in diabetes as it helps in maintaining blood glucose level in the body.

3. Renin – It helps in osmoregulation.

4. Lactoferrin - It is used as an anitimicrobial. 

5. Trypsin - It is used in pharmaceutical. 

Proteins are also commonly used in the manufacture of cosmetics, biological buffers, enzymes etc.



Can you describe what happens when milk is converted into curd or yoghurt from your understanding of proteins.

When milk is converted to curd the bacteria lactobacillus acts on the milk proteins. The tertiary and secondary structure of the protein is denatured which result in the curdling of the milk. 

Draw the structure of amino acid, alanine.

Give the structure of amino acid, alanine.

Structure of Alanine


What are macromolecules? Give examples. 

The molecules found in the acid-soluble fraction having a molecular weight in the range of 10,000 daltons or above are known as the macromolecules of the cell.
These are four different types of macromolecules found in the cell . They are: 
i. Proteins
ii. Lipids
iii. Nucleic Acids 
iv. Polysaccharides. 


Describe the important properties of enzymes. 

The important properties of enzymes are: 

1. All enzymes are proteins. They are complex macromolecules with high molecular weight.

2.  They catalyse biochemical reactions in a cell. They help in the breakdown of large molecules into smaller molecules or bring together two smaller molecules to form a larger molecule.

3. They catalyse reactions at a high rate with the help of the active site. They lower down the activation energy and thus the reaction can proceed with ease. 

4.  Enzymes do not initiate a reaction but accelerate it. 

5. They are not used up in the reaction. 

6. Enzymes affect the rate and not the direction.

7. Most of the enzymes have a high turnover number that is the number of molecules of a substance that is acted upon by an enzyme per minute. 

8. Enzymes are specific in action.

9. Enzymatic activity is affected by changes in temperature, pH and concentration of the substrate.


