What is symplast ?

It is the living complex of the plant made up of protoplast which are connected through plasmodesmata.

What is the different between the stomata of dicots and monocots?

The difference between the stomata of  monocot and dicot are -: 
 1. Stomata distribution - In monocots stomata are equally distributed while in the dicots the stomata is usually found on the lower surface of the leaf.

2. Guard cell shape - In monocots the guard cells are dumbell shaped while in the dicots they are kidney or bean shaped. 


“Transpiration is a necessary evil.” Discuss.

Transpiration occurs through the stomata. The stomata are primarily meant for absorption of CO2, but the water vapors also escape through stomata and cause transpiration. Thus transpiration is called as a necessary evil because it is an inevitable process. The loss of water can lead to wilting, serious desiccation, and shortage of water. Transpiration helps in the ascent of the sap and the pulling of the water from the roots to the tips. Thus is it considered to be a necessary evil. 

Describe internal factors affecting transpiration.

Internal factors affecting transpiration :

1.Surface area of leaf - Leves having larger surface are have more transpiration. 

2.Thickness of cuticle - Thick cuticle layer lowers the rate of transpiration. 

3. Number of stomata - more the number of transpiration more will be the transpiration. 

4. Sunken stomata - lowers the rate of transpiration. 



Comment upon antitranspirants

Antitranspirants : These are the chemicals which reduce transpiration. These are used to prevent water loss when there is drought. These anti-transpirants are of two types :


