What is ‘coordination’? How it ‘integrates group efforts�

Your grandfather has retired as the Director of a manufacturing company. At which level of Management was he working? Different type of functions are performed at this level. State anyone function.

As he retired as director of company, he belongs to top level management. The functions performed at this level include strategic decision making.



What is ‘coordination’? How it ‘integrates group efforts’ and ‘ensures unity of action’?

Coordination is the essence of management for the achievement of harmony of individual efforts towards the accomplishment of group goals. It is an orderly synchronisation of individual efforts in a proper manner that the organisational efforts can be achieved efficiently and effectively.
Integrates group efforts: The concept of coordination always applies to group efforts. There is no need for coordination when only single individual is working. The need for orderliness, integration arises only when more individuals are working as different individuals come from different backgrounds, have different styles of working so there is need to unify their efforts in common direction.
Ensures unity of action: Coordination always emphasises on unifying the actions of different individuals.. The main aim of every manager is to coordinate the activities and functions of all individuals to common goal.



At which level of management are the managers responsible for the welfare and survival of the organisation?

It is at the top level management, managers are responsible for the welfare and survival of the organisation.


Identify the nature of management when it is said to be systematised body of knowledge that explain certain general truths.

Like science, management has a systematised body of knowledge which has its own theory and principles that have developed over a period of time. Since it is drawn from repeated experimentation and observation in different types of organisations, it explains some general truth.


Describe any five reasons which clarify that management is gaining importance day-by-day.

Management is gaining importance day by day because:
(i) Management helps in achieving group goals: Management is required for achieving the goals of the organisation. The task of a manager is to unify all the elements in an organisation and give a common direction to the individual effort in order to achieve the overall goal of the organisation.
(ii) Management increases efficiency: The aim of a manager is to reduce costs and increase productivity through better planning, organising, directing, staffing and controlling the activities of the organisation.
(iii) Management creates a dynamic organisation: All organisations have to function in a dynamic environment. Management helps to create a dynamic organisation by working in par with the dynamic environment.
(iv) Management helps in achieving personal objectives: A manager motivates and leads his team in such a manner that individual members are able to achieve personal goals while contributing to the overall organisational objective. Through motivation and leadership the management helps individuals to develop team spirit, cooperation and commitment to group success.
(v) Management helps in the development of society: By providing good quality products and services, creating employment opportunities, adopting new technology and so on, management helps in the development of society.


