zigya tab

What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by? Why is it significant that the poet uses the word ‘ringed’? What are the different meanings of‘ringed’ in the poem?

Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by the ordeals of the heavy responsibilities of her married life towards the family and towards Uncle Jennifer. The poetess used the word ‘ringed’ to point that Aunt was surrounded by the responsibilities which encircled her like a ring that surrounds the finger. Further, she will go on remembering her responsibilities.


Of what or whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified in the third stanza?

Aunt Jennifer’s terrified hands are referred in third sanza. The old unhappy memories are still fresh in her mind. During her married life, she had passed through difficult times. These ordeals have crushed and suppressed her. Aunt Jennifer is still ringed with those ordeals that dominated her life.



How do ‘denizens and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tigers’ attitudes?

Tigers are the animals that live or are found in the world of green. The denizens of the world of green–tell us that the tigers are the inhabitants of forests, that is, they live in forests freely prancing.

Chivalric means the majestic and worthy position they occupy like the knights. They have a fine position in the world of animals. Both these words tell about the attitudes of the wild animals.



What is suggested by the image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band?’

Aunt Jennifer is busy knitting with her ivory needle through her wool. But the chores and duties of the family checked her in the middle, she had to stop knitting. ‘Massive weight of uncle’s wedding band’ represents the marriage band between Jennifer and uncle. It suggests the harsh and difficult experiences of her married life. After marriage she had lost all her freedom. Aunt was like a heavy band put on her.


Why do you think Aunt Jennifer’s hands are fluttering through her wool in the second stanza ? Why is she finding the needle so hard to pull?

Aunt Jennifer is working with her ivory needle on her wool. Her fingers are quivering. She is busy knitting after making the tigers with massive uncle’s wedding band. The heavy weights sits heavily on her hand. So she is finding the needle too hard to pull.

